vtl #
import vtl
t := vtl.from_array([1.0, 2, 3, 4], [2, 2])!
t.get([1, 1])
// 4.0
VTL Provides
- An n-dimensional
data structure - Sophisticated reduction, elementwise, and accumulation operations
- Data Structures that can easily be passed to C libraries
- Powerful linear algebra routines backed by VSL that uses LAPACKE and OpenBLAS.
In the docs you can find more information about this module
Install dependencies (optional)
We use VSL as backend for some functionalities. VTL requires VSL's linear algebra module. If you wish you to use vtl without these, the vtl
module will still function as normal.
Follow this install instructions at VSL docs in order to install VSL with all needed dependencies.
Install VTL
v install vtl
Done. Installation completed.
To test the module, just type the following command:
v test .
This work was originally based on the work done by > Christopher (christopherzimmerman).
The development of this library continues its course after having reimplemented its core > and a large part of its interface. In the same way, we do not want to stop recognizing > the work and inspiration that the library done by Christopher has given.
Made with contributors-img.
fn bernoulli #
fn bernoulli[T](prob f64, shape []int, params TensorData) &Tensor[T]
bernoulli returns a tensor of bernoulli random variables.
fn binomial #
fn binomial[T](n int, prob f64, shape []int, params TensorData) !&Tensor[T]
binomial returns a tensor of binomial random variables.
fn broadcast2 #
fn broadcast2[T](a &Tensor[T], b &Tensor[T]) !(&Tensor[T], &Tensor[T])
broadcast2 broadcasts two Tensors against each other
fn broadcast3 #
fn broadcast3[T](a &Tensor[T], b &Tensor[T], c &Tensor[T]) !(&Tensor[T], &Tensor[T], &Tensor[T])
broadcast3 broadcasts three Tensors against each other
fn broadcast_n #
fn broadcast_n[T](ts []&Tensor[T]) ![]&Tensor[T]
broadcast_n broadcasts N Tensors against each other
fn cast #
fn cast[T](x TensorDataType) T
fn column_stack #
fn column_stack[T](ts []&Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
column_stack stacks 1-D arrays as columns into a 2-D array.
fn concatenate #
fn concatenate[T](ts []&Tensor[T], data AxisData) !&Tensor[T]
concatenate concatenates two Tensors together
fn dstack #
fn dstack[T](ts []&Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
dstack stacks arrays in sequence depth wise (along third axis)
fn empty #
fn empty[T](shape []int, params TensorData) &Tensor[T]
empty returns a new Tensor of given shape and type, without initializing entries
fn empty_like #
fn empty_like[T](t &Tensor[T]) &Tensor[T]
empty_like returns a new Tensor of given shape and type as a given Tensor
fn exponential #
fn exponential[T](lambda f64, shape []int, params TensorData) &Tensor[T]
exponential returns a tensor of exponential random variables.
fn eye #
fn eye[T](m int, n int, k int, params TensorData) &Tensor[T]
eye returns a 2D array with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere
fn from_1d #
fn from_1d[T](arr []T, params TensorData) !&Tensor[T]
from_1d takes a one dimensional array of floating point values and returns a one dimensional Tensor if possible
fn from_2d #
fn from_2d[T](a [][]T, params TensorData) !&Tensor[T]
from_2d takes a two dimensional array of floating point values and returns a two-dimensional Tensor if possible
fn from_array #
fn from_array[T](arr []T, shape []int, params TensorData) !&Tensor[T]
from_varray takes a one dimensional array of T values and coerces it into an arbitrary shaped Tensor if possible. Panics if the shape provided does not hold the provided array
fn full #
fn full[T](shape []int, val T, params TensorData) &Tensor[T]
full returns a new tensor of a given shape and type, filled with the given value
fn full_like #
fn full_like[T](t &Tensor[T], val T) &Tensor[T]
full_like returns a new tensor of the same shape and type as a given Tensor filled with a given val
fn hstack #
fn hstack[T](ts []&Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
hstack stacks arrays in sequence horizontally (column wise)
fn identity #
fn identity[T](n int, params TensorData) &Tensor[T]
identity returns an array is a square array with ones on the main diagonal
fn normal #
fn normal[T](shape []int, params NormalTensorData) &Tensor[T]
normal returns a tensor of normal random variables.
fn ones #
fn ones[T](shape []int, params TensorData) &Tensor[T]
ones returns a new tensor of a given shape and type, filled with ones
fn ones_like #
fn ones_like[T](t &Tensor[T]) &Tensor[T]
ones_like returns a new tensor of a given shape and type, filled with ones
fn random #
fn random[T](min T, max T, shape []int, params TensorData) &Tensor[T]
random returns a new Tensor of given shape and type, initialized with random numbers between a given min and max value
fn random_seed #
fn random_seed(i int)
fn range #
fn range[T](from int, to int, params TensorData) &Tensor[T]
range returns a Tensor containing values ranging from [from, to)
fn seq #
fn seq[T](n int, params TensorData) &Tensor[T]
seq returns a Tensor containing values ranging from [0, to)
fn stack #
fn stack[T](ts []&Tensor[T], data AxisData) !&Tensor[T]
stack join a sequence of arrays along a new axis.
fn td #
fn td[T](x T) TensorDataType
fn tensor #
fn tensor[T](init T, shape []int, params TensorData) &Tensor[T]
tensor allocates a Tensor onto specified device with a given data
fn tensor_like #
fn tensor_like[T](t &Tensor[T]) &Tensor[T]
tensor_like returns a new tensor created with similar storage properties as the Tensor t
fn tensor_like_with_shape #
fn tensor_like_with_shape[T](t &Tensor[T], shape []int) &Tensor[T]
tensor_like_with_shape returns a new tensor created with similar storage properties as the Tensor t
with a given shape
fn vstack #
fn vstack[T](ts []&Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
vstack stack arrays in sequence vertically (row wise)
fn zeros #
fn zeros[T](shape []int, params TensorData) &Tensor[T]
zeros returns a new tensor of a given shape and type, filled with zeros
fn zeros_like #
fn zeros_like[T](t &Tensor[T]) &Tensor[T]
zeros_like returns a new Tensor of given shape and type as a given Tensor, filled with zeros
interface AnyTensor #
interface AnyTensor[T] {
shape []int
strides []int
cpu() &Tensor[T]
vcl() !&Tensor[T]
str() string
rank() int
size() int
is_matrix() bool
is_square_matrix() bool
is_vector() bool
is_row_major() bool
is_col_major() bool
is_row_major_contiguous() bool
is_col_major_contiguous() bool
is_contiguous() bool
memory MemoryFormat
AnyTensor is an interface that allows for any tensor to be used in the vtl library
fn (TensorAxisIterator[T]) next #
fn (mut s TensorAxisIterator[T]) next[T]() ?(T, []int)
next calls the iteration type for a given iterator which is either flat or strided and returns a Num containing the current value
type TensorDataType #
type TensorDataType = bool | f32 | f64 | i16 | i64 | i8 | int | string | u16 | u32 | u64 | u8
TensorDataType is a sum type that lists the possible types to be used to define storage
fn (TensorDataType) string #
fn (v TensorDataType) string() string
string returns TensorDataType
as a string.
fn (TensorDataType) int #
fn (v TensorDataType) int() int
int uses TensorDataType
as an integer.
fn (TensorDataType) i64 #
fn (v TensorDataType) i64() i64
i64 uses TensorDataType
as a 64-bit integer.
fn (TensorDataType) i8 #
fn (v TensorDataType) i8() i8
i8 uses TensorDataType
as a 8-bit unsigned integer.
fn (TensorDataType) i16 #
fn (v TensorDataType) i16() i16
i16 uses TensorDataType
as a 16-bit unsigned integer.
fn (TensorDataType) u8 #
fn (v TensorDataType) u8() u8
u8 uses TensorDataType
as a 8-bit unsigned integer.
fn (TensorDataType) u16 #
fn (v TensorDataType) u16() u16
u16 uses TensorDataType
as a 16-bit unsigned integer.
fn (TensorDataType) u32 #
fn (v TensorDataType) u32() u32
u32 uses TensorDataType
as a 32-bit unsigned integer.
fn (TensorDataType) u64 #
fn (v TensorDataType) u64() u64
u64 uses TensorDataType
as a 64-bit unsigned integer.
fn (TensorDataType) f32 #
fn (v TensorDataType) f32() f32
f32 uses TensorDataType
as a 32-bit float.
fn (TensorDataType) f64 #
fn (v TensorDataType) f64() f64
f64 uses TensorDataType
as a float.
fn (TensorDataType) bool #
fn (v TensorDataType) bool() bool
bool uses TensorDataType
as a bool
fn (TensorIterator[T]) next #
fn (mut s TensorIterator[T]) next[T]() ?(T, []int)
next calls the iteration type for a given iterator which is either flat or strided and returns a Num containing the current value
fn (Tensor[T]) abs #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) abs[T]() &Tensor[T]
abs returns the elementwise abs of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) acos #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) acos[T]() &Tensor[T]
acos returns the elementwise acos of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) acosh #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) acosh[T]() &Tensor[T]
acosh returns the elementwise acosh of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) add #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) add[T](b &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
add adds two tensors elementwise
fn (Tensor[T]) add_scalar #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) add_scalar[T](scalar T) !&Tensor[T]
add adds a scalar to a tensor elementwise
fn (Tensor[T]) alike #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) alike[T](other &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[bool]
alike compares two tensors elementwise
fn (Tensor[T]) all #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) all[T]() bool
all returns whether all array elements evaluate to true.
fn (Tensor[T]) any #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) any[T]() bool
any returns whether any array elements evaluate to true.
fn (Tensor[T]) apply #
fn (mut t Tensor[T]) apply[T](f fn (x T, i []int) T)
apply applies a function to each element of a given Tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) array_equal #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) array_equal[T](other &Tensor[T]) bool
array_equal returns true if input arrays have the same shape and all elements equal.
fn (Tensor[T]) array_equiv #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) array_equiv[T](other &Tensor[T]) bool
array_equiv returns true if input arrays are shape consistent and all elements equal. Shape consistent means they are either the same shape, or one input array can be broadcasted to create the same shape as the other one.
fn (Tensor[T]) array_split #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) array_split[T](ind int, axis int) ![]&Tensor[T]
array_split splits an array into multiple sub-arrays. Please refer to the split documentation. The only difference between these functions is that array_split allows indices_or_sections to be an integer that does not equally divide the axis. For an array of length l that should be split into n sections, it returns l % n sub-arrays of size l//n + 1 and the rest of size l//n.
fn (Tensor[T]) array_split_expl #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) array_split_expl[T](ind []int, axis int) ![]&Tensor[T]
array_split_expl splits an array into multiple sub-arrays. Please refer to the split documentation. The only difference between these functions is that array_split allows indices_or_sections to be an integer that does not equally divide the axis. For an array of length l that should be split into n sections, it returns l % n sub-arrays of size l//n + 1 and the rest of size l//n.
fn (Tensor[T]) as_bool #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) as_bool[T]() &Tensor[bool]
as_bool casts the Tensor to a Tensor of bools. If the original Tensor is not a Tensor of bools, then each value is cast to a bool, otherwise the original Tensor is returned.
fn (Tensor[T]) as_f32 #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) as_f32[T]() &Tensor[f32]
as_f32 casts the Tensor to a Tensor of f32s. If the original Tensor is not a Tensor of f32s, then each value is cast to a f32, otherwise the original Tensor is returned.
fn (Tensor[T]) as_f64 #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) as_f64[T]() &Tensor[f64]
as_f64 casts the Tensor to a Tensor of f64s. If the original Tensor is not a Tensor of f64s, then each value is cast to a f64, otherwise the original Tensor is returned.
fn (Tensor[T]) as_i16 #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) as_i16[T]() &Tensor[i16]
as_i16 casts the Tensor to a Tensor of i16 values. If the original Tensor is not a Tensor of i16s, then each value is cast to a i16, otherwise the original Tensor is returned.
fn (Tensor[T]) as_i8 #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) as_i8[T]() &Tensor[i8]
as_i8 casts the Tensor to a Tensor of i8 values. If the original Tensor is not a Tensor of i8s, then each value is cast to a i8, otherwise the original Tensor is returned.
fn (Tensor[T]) as_int #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) as_int[T]() &Tensor[int]
as_int casts the Tensor to a Tensor of ints. If the original Tensor is not a Tensor of ints, then each value is cast to a int, otherwise the original Tensor is returned.
fn (Tensor[T]) as_strided #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) as_strided[T](shape []int, strides []int) !&Tensor[T]
as_strided returns a view of the Tensor with new shape and strides
fn (Tensor[T]) as_string #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) as_string[T]() &Tensor[string]
as_string casts the Tensor to a Tensor of string values. If the original Tensor is not a Tensor of strings, then each value is cast to a string, otherwise the original Tensor is returned.
fn (Tensor[T]) as_u8 #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) as_u8[T]() &Tensor[u8]
as_u8 casts the Tensor to a Tensor of u8 values. If the original Tensor is not a Tensor of u8s, then each value is cast to a u8, otherwise the original Tensor is returned.
fn (Tensor[T]) asin #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) asin[T]() &Tensor[T]
asin returns the elementwise asin of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) asinh #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) asinh[T]() &Tensor[T]
asinh returns the elementwise asinh of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) assert_matrix #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) assert_matrix[T]() !
assert_square_matrix panics if the given tensor is not a matrix
fn (Tensor[T]) assert_square_matrix #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) assert_square_matrix[T]() !
assert_square_matrix panics if the given tensor is not a square matrix
fn (Tensor[T]) assign #
fn (mut t Tensor[T]) assign[T](other &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
assign sets the values of an Tensor equal to the values of another Tensor of the same shape
fn (Tensor[T]) atan #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) atan[T]() &Tensor[T]
atan returns the elementwise atan of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) atan2 #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) atan2[T](b &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
atan2 returns the atan2 elementwise of two tensors
fn (Tensor[T]) atanh #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) atanh[T]() &Tensor[T]
atanh returns the elementwise atanh of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) axis_iterator #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) axis_iterator[T](axis int) &TensorAxisIterator[T]
axis_iterator returns an iterator over the axis of a Tensor, commonly used for reduction operations along an axis.
fn (Tensor[T]) axis_with_dims_iterator #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) axis_with_dims_iterator[T](axis int) &TensorAxisIterator[T]
axis returns an iterator over the axis of a Tensor, commonly used for reduction operations along an axis. This iterator keeps the axis dimension as size 1 instead of removing it
fn (Tensor[T]) broadcast_to #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) broadcast_to[T](shape []int) !&Tensor[T]
broadcast_to broadcasts a Tensor to a compatible shape with no data copy
fn (Tensor[T]) broadcastable #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) broadcastable[T](b &Tensor[T]) ![]int
broadcastable takes two Tensors and either returns a valid broadcastable shape or an error
fn (Tensor[T]) cbrt #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) cbrt[T]() &Tensor[T]
cbrt returns the elementwise cbrt of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) ceil #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) ceil[T]() &Tensor[T]
ceil returns the elementwise ceil of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) close #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) close[T](other &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[bool]
close compares two tensors elementwise
fn (Tensor[T]) copy #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) copy(memory MemoryFormat) &Tensor[T]
copy returns a copy of a Tensor with a particular memory layout, either row_major-contiguous or col_major-contiguous
fn (Tensor[T]) cos #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) cos[T]() &Tensor[T]
cos returns the elementwise cos of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) cosh #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) cosh[T]() &Tensor[T]
cosh returns the elementwise cosh of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) cot #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) cot[T]() &Tensor[T]
cot returns the elementwise cot of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) cpu #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) cpu() !&Tensor[T]
cpu returns a Tensor from a Tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) custom_iterator #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) custom_iterator[T](data IteratorBuildData[T]) &TensorIterator[T]
iterator creates an iterator through a Tensor with custom data
fn (Tensor[T]) degrees #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) degrees[T]() &Tensor[T]
degrees returns the elementwise degrees of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) diag #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) diag[T]() !&Tensor[T]
diag constructs a diagonal array. input must be one dimensional and will be placed along the resulting diagonal
fn (Tensor[T]) diag_flat #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) diag_flat[T]() !&Tensor[T]
diag_flat constructs a diagonal array. the flattened input is placed along the diagonal of the resulting matrix
fn (Tensor[T]) diagonal #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) diagonal[T]() &Tensor[T]
diagonal returns a view of the diagonal entries of a two dimensional tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) divide #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) divide[T](b &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
divide divides two tensors elementwise
fn (Tensor[T]) divide_scalar #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) divide_scalar[T](scalar T) !&Tensor[T]
divide divides a scalar to a tensor elementwise
fn (Tensor[T]) dsplit #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) dsplit[T](ind int) ![]&Tensor[T]
dsplit splits array into multiple sub-arrays along the 3rd axis (depth). Please refer to the split documentation. dsplit is equivalent to split with axis=2, the array is always split along the third axis provided the array dimension is greater than or equal to 3.
fn (Tensor[T]) dsplit_expl #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) dsplit_expl[T](ind []int) ![]&Tensor[T]
dsplit_expl splits array into multiple sub-arrays along the 3rd axis (depth). Please refer to the split documentation. dsplit is equivalent to split with axis=2, the array is always split along the third axis provided the array dimension is greater than or equal to 3.
fn (Tensor[T]) ensure_memory #
fn (mut t Tensor[T]) ensure_memory[T]()
ensure_memory sets a correct memory layout to a given tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) equal #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) equal[T](other &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[bool]
equal compares two tensors elementwise
fn (Tensor[T]) erf #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) erf[T]() &Tensor[T]
erf returns the elementwise erf of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) erfc #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) erfc[T]() &Tensor[T]
erfc returns the elementwise erfc of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) exp #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) exp[T]() &Tensor[T]
exp returns the elementwise exp of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) exp2 #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) exp2[T]() &Tensor[T]
exp2 returns the elementwise exp2 of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) expand_dims #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) expand_dims[T](data AxisData) !&Tensor[T]
expand_dims adds an axis to a Tensor in order to support broadcasting operations
fn (Tensor[T]) expm1 #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) expm1[T]() &Tensor[T]
expm1 returns the elementwise expm1 of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) f32_bits #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) f32_bits[T]() &Tensor[T]
f32_bits returns the elementwise f32_bits of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) f32_from_bits #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) f32_from_bits[T]() &Tensor[T]
f32_from_bits returns the elementwise f32_from_bits of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) f64_bits #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) f64_bits[T]() &Tensor[T]
f64_bits returns the elementwise f64_bits of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) f64_from_bits #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) f64_from_bits[T]() &Tensor[T]
f64_from_bits returns the elementwise f64_from_bits of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) factorial #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) factorial[T]() &Tensor[T]
factorial returns the elementwise factorial of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) fill #
fn (mut t Tensor[T]) fill[T](val T) &Tensor[T]
fill fills an entire Tensor with a given value
fn (Tensor[T]) floor #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) floor[T]() &Tensor[T]
floor returns the elementwise floor of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) fmod #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) fmod[T](b &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
fmod returns the fmod elementwise of two tensors
fn (Tensor[T]) gamma #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) gamma[T]() &Tensor[T]
gamma returns the elementwise gamma of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) gcd #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) gcd[T](b &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
gcd returns the gcd elementwise of two tensors
fn (Tensor[T]) get #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) get[T](index []int) T
get returns a scalar value from a Tensor at the provided index
fn (Tensor[T]) get_nth #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) get_nth[T](n int) T
get_nth returns a scalar value from a Tensor at the provided index
fn (Tensor[T]) hsplit #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) hsplit[T](ind int) ![]&Tensor[T]
hsplit splits an array into multiple sub-arrays horizontally (column-wise). Please refer to the split documentation. hsplit is equivalent to split with axis=1, the array is always split along the second axis regardless of the array dimension.
fn (Tensor[T]) hsplit_expl #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) hsplit_expl[T](ind []int) ![]&Tensor[T]
hsplit_expl splits an array into multiple sub-arrays horizontally (column-wise) Please refer to the split documentation. hsplit is equivalent to split with axis=1, the array is always split along the second axis regardless of the array dimension.
fn (Tensor[T]) hypot #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) hypot[T](b &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
hypot returns the hypot elementwise of two tensors
fn (Tensor[T]) is_col_major #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) is_col_major() bool
is_col_major returns if a Tensor is supposed to store its data in Col-Major order
fn (Tensor[T]) is_col_major_contiguous #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) is_col_major_contiguous() bool
is_col_major verifies if a Tensor stores its data in Col-Major order
fn (Tensor[T]) is_contiguous #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) is_contiguous() bool
is_contiguous verifies that a Tensor is contiguous independent of memory layout
fn (Tensor[T]) is_finite #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) is_finite[T]() &Tensor[bool]
is_finite returns true where x is not positive infinity, negative infinity, or NaN; false otherwise.
fn (Tensor[T]) is_inf #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) is_inf[T](sign int) &Tensor[bool]
is_inf reports whether t is an infinity, according to sign. If sign > 0, is_inf reports whether t is positive infinity. If sign < 0, is_inf reports whether t is negative infinity. If sign == 0, is_inf reports whether t is either infinity.
fn (Tensor[T]) is_matrix #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) is_matrix() bool
is_matrix returns if a Tensor is a nxm matrix or not
fn (Tensor[T]) is_nan #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) is_nan[T]() &Tensor[bool]
is_nan reports whether f is an IEEE 754 ``not-a-number'' value.
fn (Tensor[T]) is_row_major #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) is_row_major() bool
is_row_major returns if a Tensor is supposed to store its data in Row-Major order
fn (Tensor[T]) is_row_major_contiguous #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) is_row_major_contiguous() bool
is_row_major verifies if a Tensor stores its data in Row-Major order
fn (Tensor[T]) is_square_matrix #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) is_square_matrix() bool
is_matrix returns if a Tensor is a square matrix or not
fn (Tensor[T]) is_vector #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) is_vector() bool
is_matrix returns if a Tensor is a square 1D vector or not
fn (Tensor[T]) iterator #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) iterator[T]() &TensorIterator[T]
iterator creates an iterator through a Tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) iterators #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) iterators[T](ts []&Tensor[T]) !(&TensorsIterator[T], []int)
iterators creates an array of iterators through a list of tensors
fn (Tensor[T]) lcm #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) lcm[T](b &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
lcm returns the lcm elementwise of two tensors
fn (Tensor[T]) log #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) log[T]() &Tensor[T]
log returns the elementwise log of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) log10 #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) log10[T]() &Tensor[T]
log10 returns the elementwise log10 of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) log1p #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) log1p[T]() &Tensor[T]
log1p returns the elementwise log1p of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) log2 #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) log2[T]() &Tensor[T]
log2 returns the elementwise log2 of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) log_factorial #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) log_factorial[T]() &Tensor[T]
log_factorial returns the elementwise log_factorial of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) log_gamma #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) log_gamma[T]() &Tensor[T]
log_gamma returns the elementwise log_gamma of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) log_n #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) log_n[T](b &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
log_n returns the log_n elementwise of two tensors
fn (Tensor[T]) map #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) map[T](f fn (x T, i []int) T) &Tensor[T]
map maps a function to a given Tensor retuning a new Tensor with same shape
fn (Tensor[T]) max #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) max[T](b &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
max returns the max elementwise of two tensors
fn (Tensor[T]) min #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) min[T](b &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
min returns the min elementwise of two tensors
fn (Tensor[T]) multiply #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) multiply[T](b &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
multiply multiplies two tensors elementwise
fn (Tensor[T]) multiply_scalar #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) multiply_scalar[T](scalar T) !&Tensor[T]
multiply multiplies a scalar to a tensor elementwise
fn (Tensor[T]) napply #
fn (mut t Tensor[T]) napply[T](ts []&Tensor[T], f fn (xs []T, i []int) T) !
napply applies a function to each element of a given Tensor with params
fn (Tensor[T]) nextafter #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) nextafter[T](b &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
nextafter returns the nextafter elementwise of two tensors
fn (Tensor[T]) nextafter32 #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) nextafter32[T](b &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
nextafter32 returns the nextafter32 elementwise of two tensors
fn (Tensor[T]) nmap #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) nmap[T](ts []&Tensor[T], f fn (xs []T, i []int) T) !&Tensor[T]
nmap maps a function to a given list of Tensor retuning a new Tensor with same shape
fn (Tensor[T]) not_equal #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) not_equal[T](other &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[bool]
not_equal compares two tensors elementwise
fn (Tensor[T]) nreduce #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) nreduce[T](ts []&Tensor[T], init T, f fn (acc T, xs []T, i []int) T) !T
nreduce reduces a function to a given list of Tensor retuning a new aggregated value
fn (Tensor[T]) nth_index #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) nth_index[T](n int) []int
nth_index returns the nth index of a Tensor's shape for n == 2
and a shape
of [2, 2]
the nth index is [1, 0]
and for a shape
of [2, 3]
and n == 3
the nth index is [0, 1, 1]
in sorted order.
fn (Tensor[T]) offset_index #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) offset_index[T](index []int) int
offset_index returns the index to a Tensor's data at a given index
fn (Tensor[T]) pow #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) pow[T](b &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
pow returns the pow elementwise of two tensors
fn (Tensor[T]) pow10 #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) pow10[T]() &Tensor[T]
pow10 returns the elementwise pow10 of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) radians #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) radians[T]() &Tensor[T]
radians returns the elementwise deg2rad of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) rank #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) rank() int
rank returns the number of dimensions of a given Tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) ravel #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) ravel[T]() !&Tensor[T]
ravel returns a flattened view of an Tensor if possible, otherwise a flattened copy
fn (Tensor[T]) reduce #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) reduce[T](init T, f fn (acc T, x T, i []int) T) T
reduce reduces a function to a given Tensor retuning a new aggregated value
fn (Tensor[T]) reshape #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) reshape[T](shape []int) !&Tensor[T]
reshape returns an Tensor with a new shape
fn (Tensor[T]) round #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) round[T]() &Tensor[T]
round rounds elements of an tensor elementwise
fn (Tensor[T]) round_to_even #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) round_to_even[T]() &Tensor[T]
round_to_even round_to_evens elements of an tensor elementwise
fn (Tensor[T]) set #
fn (mut t Tensor[T]) set[T](index []int, val T)
set copies a scalar value into a Tensor at the provided index
fn (Tensor[T]) set_nth #
fn (mut t Tensor[T]) set_nth[T](n int, val T)
set_nth copies a scalar value into a Tensor at the provided offset
fn (Tensor[T]) sin #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) sin[T]() &Tensor[T]
sin returns the elementwise sin of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) sinh #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) sinh[T]() &Tensor[T]
sinh returns the elementwise sinh of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) size #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) size() int
size returns the number of allocated elements for a given tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) slice #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) slice[T](idx ...[]int) !&Tensor[T]
slice returns a tensor from a variadic list of indexing operations
fn (Tensor[T]) slice_hilo #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) slice_hilo[T](idx1 []int, idx2 []int) !&Tensor[T]
slice_hilo returns a view of an array from a list of starting indices and a list of closing indices.
fn (Tensor[T]) split #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) split[T](ind int, axis int) ![]&Tensor[T]
split splits an array into multiple sub-arrays. The array will be divided into N equal arrays along axis. If such a split is not possible, panic
fn (Tensor[T]) split_expl #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) split_expl[T](ind []int, axis int) ![]&Tensor[T]
split_expl splits an array into multiple sub-arrays. The array will be divided into The entries of ind indicate where along axis the array is split. For example, [2, 3] would, for axis=0, result in: ary[:2] ary[2:3] ary[3:]
fn (Tensor[T]) sqrt #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) sqrt[T]() &Tensor[T]
sqrt returns the elementwise square root of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) str #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) str() string
str returns the string representation of a Tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) subtract #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) subtract[T](b &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[T]
subtract subtracts two tensors elementwise
fn (Tensor[T]) subtract_scalar #
fn (a &Tensor[T]) subtract_scalar[T](scalar T) !&Tensor[T]
subtract subtracts a scalar to a tensor elementwise
fn (Tensor[T]) swapaxes #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) swapaxes[T](a1 int, a2 int) !&Tensor[T]
swapaxes returns a view of an tensor with two axes swapped
fn (Tensor[T]) t #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) t[T]() !&Tensor[T]
t returns a full transpose of a tensor, with the axes reversed
fn (Tensor[T]) tan #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) tan[T]() &Tensor[T]
tan returns the elementwise tan of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) tanh #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) tanh[T]() &Tensor[T]
tanh returns the elementwise tanh of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) to_array #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) to_array() []T
to_array returns the flatten representation of a tensor in a v array storing elements of type T
fn (Tensor[T]) tolerance #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) tolerance[T](other &Tensor[T], tol T) !&Tensor[bool]
tolerance compares two tensors elementwise with a given tolerance
fn (Tensor[T]) transpose #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) transpose[T](order []int) !&Tensor[T]
transpose permutes the axes of an tensor in a specified order and returns a view of the data
fn (Tensor[T]) tril #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) tril[T]() &Tensor[T]
tril computes the lower triangle of an array. returns a copy of an array with elements above the diagonal zeroed
fn (Tensor[T]) tril_inpl_offset #
fn (mut t Tensor[T]) tril_inpl_offset[T](offset int) &Tensor[T]
tril_inpl_offset computes the lower triangle of an array. modifies an array inplace with elements above the k-th diagonal zeroed.
fn (Tensor[T]) tril_inplace #
fn (mut t Tensor[T]) tril_inplace[T]() &Tensor[T]
tril_inplace computes the lower triangle of an array. modifies an array inplace with elements above the diagonal zeroed.
fn (Tensor[T]) tril_offset #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) tril_offset[T](offset int) &Tensor[T]
tril_inplace computes the lower triangle of an array. returns a copy of an array with elements above the kth diagonal zeroed
fn (Tensor[T]) triu #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) triu[T]() &Tensor[T]
triu computes the Upper triangle of an array. returns a copy of an array with elements below the diagonal zeroed
fn (Tensor[T]) triu_inplace #
fn (mut t Tensor[T]) triu_inplace[T]() &Tensor[T]
triu_inplace computes the upper triangle of an array. modifies an array inplace with elements below the diagonal zeroed.
fn (Tensor[T]) triu_offset #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) triu_offset[T](offset int) &Tensor[T]
triu_offset computes the upper triangle of an array. returns a copy of an array with elements below the kth diagonal zeroed
fn (Tensor[T]) trunc #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) trunc[T]() &Tensor[T]
trunc returns the elementwise trunc of an tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) unsqueeze #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) unsqueeze[T](data AxisData) !&Tensor[T]
unsqueeze adds a dimension of size one to a Tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) vcl #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) vcl(params VclParams) !&Tensor[T]
vcl returns a VclTensor from a Tensor
fn (Tensor[T]) veryclose #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) veryclose[T](other &Tensor[T]) !&Tensor[bool]
veryclose compares two tensors elementwise
fn (Tensor[T]) view #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) view() &Tensor[T]
view returns a view of a Tensor, identical to the parent but not owning its own data
fn (Tensor[T]) vsplit #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) vsplit[T](ind int) ![]&Tensor[T]
vsplit splits an array into multiple sub-arrays vertically (row-wise). Please refer to the split documentation. vsplit is equivalent to split with axis=0 (default), the array is always split along the first axis regardless of the array dimension.
fn (Tensor[T]) vsplit_expl #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) vsplit_expl[T](ind []int) ![]&Tensor[T]
vsplit_expl splits an array into multiple sub-arrays vertically (row-wise). Please refer to the split documentation. vsplit is equivalent to split with axis=0 (default), the array is always split along the first axis regardless of the array dimension.
fn (Tensor[T]) with_broadcast #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) with_broadcast[T](n int) !&Tensor[T]
with_broadcast expands a Tensor
s dimensions n times by broadcasting the shape and strides
fn (Tensor[T]) with_dims #
fn (t &Tensor[T]) with_dims[T](n int) !&Tensor[T]
with_dims returns a new Tensor adding dimensions so that it has at least n
fn (TensorsIterator[T]) next #
fn (mut its TensorsIterator[T]) next[T]() ?([]T, []int)
next calls the iteration type for a given list of iterators which is either flat or strided and returns a list of Nums containing the current values
enum IteratorStrategy #
enum IteratorStrategy {
IteratorStrategy defines a function to use in order to mutate iteration position
enum MemoryFormat #
enum MemoryFormat {
MemoryFormat is a sum type that lists the possible memory layouts
struct AxisData #
struct AxisData {
axis int
struct IteratorBuildData #
struct IteratorBuildData[T] {
next_handler IteratorStrategy
start int
struct NormalTensorData #
struct NormalTensorData {
NormalTensorData is the data for a normal distribution.
struct Tensor #
struct Tensor[T] {
pub mut:
data &storage.CpuStorage[T] = unsafe { nil }
memory MemoryFormat
size int
shape []int
strides []int
Tensor is the main structure defined by VTL to manage N Dimensional data
struct TensorAxisIterator #
struct TensorAxisIterator[T] {
tensor &Tensor[T] = unsafe { nil }
pub mut:
shape []int
strides []int
axis int
inc int
iteration int
pos int
TensorAxisIterator is the core iterator for axis-wise operations. Stores a copy of the shape and strides reduced along a given axis
struct TensorData #
struct TensorData {
memory MemoryFormat = .row_major
struct TensorIterator #
struct TensorIterator[T] {
tensor &Tensor[T] = unsafe { nil }
next_handler IteratorStrategy
pub mut:
iteration int
TensorIterator is a struct to hold a Tensors iteration state while iterating through a Tensor
struct TensorsIterator #
struct TensorsIterator[T] {
iters []&TensorIterator[T]
struct VclParams #
struct VclParams {}
- fn bernoulli
- fn binomial
- fn broadcast2
- fn broadcast3
- fn broadcast_n
- fn cast
- fn column_stack
- fn concatenate
- fn dstack
- fn empty
- fn empty_like
- fn exponential
- fn eye
- fn from_1d
- fn from_2d
- fn from_array
- fn full
- fn full_like
- fn hstack
- fn identity
- fn normal
- fn ones
- fn ones_like
- fn random
- fn random_seed
- fn range
- fn seq
- fn stack
- fn td
- fn tensor
- fn tensor_like
- fn tensor_like_with_shape
- fn vstack
- fn zeros
- fn zeros_like
- interface AnyTensor
- type TensorAxisIterator[T]
- type TensorDataType
- type TensorIterator[T]
- type Tensor[T]
- fn abs
- fn acos
- fn acosh
- fn add
- fn add_scalar
- fn alike
- fn all
- fn any
- fn apply
- fn array_equal
- fn array_equiv
- fn array_split
- fn array_split_expl
- fn as_bool
- fn as_f32
- fn as_f64
- fn as_i16
- fn as_i8
- fn as_int
- fn as_strided
- fn as_string
- fn as_u8
- fn asin
- fn asinh
- fn assert_matrix
- fn assert_square_matrix
- fn assign
- fn atan
- fn atan2
- fn atanh
- fn axis_iterator
- fn axis_with_dims_iterator
- fn broadcast_to
- fn broadcastable
- fn cbrt
- fn ceil
- fn close
- fn copy
- fn cos
- fn cosh
- fn cot
- fn cpu
- fn custom_iterator
- fn degrees
- fn diag
- fn diag_flat
- fn diagonal
- fn divide
- fn divide_scalar
- fn dsplit
- fn dsplit_expl
- fn ensure_memory
- fn equal
- fn erf
- fn erfc
- fn exp
- fn exp2
- fn expand_dims
- fn expm1
- fn f32_bits
- fn f32_from_bits
- fn f64_bits
- fn f64_from_bits
- fn factorial
- fn fill
- fn floor
- fn fmod
- fn gamma
- fn gcd
- fn get
- fn get_nth
- fn hsplit
- fn hsplit_expl
- fn hypot
- fn is_col_major
- fn is_col_major_contiguous
- fn is_contiguous
- fn is_finite
- fn is_inf
- fn is_matrix
- fn is_nan
- fn is_row_major
- fn is_row_major_contiguous
- fn is_square_matrix
- fn is_vector
- fn iterator
- fn iterators
- fn lcm
- fn log
- fn log10
- fn log1p
- fn log2
- fn log_factorial
- fn log_gamma
- fn log_n
- fn map
- fn max
- fn min
- fn multiply
- fn multiply_scalar
- fn napply
- fn nextafter
- fn nextafter32
- fn nmap
- fn not_equal
- fn nreduce
- fn nth_index
- fn offset_index
- fn pow
- fn pow10
- fn radians
- fn rank
- fn ravel
- fn reduce
- fn reshape
- fn round
- fn round_to_even
- fn set
- fn set_nth
- fn sin
- fn sinh
- fn size
- fn slice
- fn slice_hilo
- fn split
- fn split_expl
- fn sqrt
- fn str
- fn subtract
- fn subtract_scalar
- fn swapaxes
- fn t
- fn tan
- fn tanh
- fn to_array
- fn tolerance
- fn transpose
- fn tril
- fn tril_inpl_offset
- fn tril_inplace
- fn tril_offset
- fn triu
- fn triu_inplace
- fn triu_offset
- fn trunc
- fn unsqueeze
- fn vcl
- fn veryclose
- fn view
- fn vsplit
- fn vsplit_expl
- fn with_broadcast
- fn with_dims
- type TensorsIterator[T]
- enum IteratorStrategy
- enum MemoryFormat
- struct AxisData
- struct IteratorBuildData
- struct NormalTensorData
- struct Tensor
- struct TensorAxisIterator
- struct TensorData
- struct TensorIterator
- struct TensorsIterator
- struct VclParams