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errors #

fn error #

fn error(reason string, error_code ErrorCode) IError

fn error_message #

fn error_message(reason string, error_code ErrorCode) string

fn vsl_panic #

fn vsl_panic(reason string, error_code ErrorCode)

enum ErrorCode #

enum ErrorCode {
	// success
	success      = 0
	// generic failure
	failure      = -1
	// iteration has not converged
	can_continue = -2
	// input domain error, e.g sqrt(-1)
	edom         = 1
	// output range error, e.g. exp(1e+100)
	erange       = 2
	// invalid pointer
	efault       = 3
	// invalid argument supplied by user
	einval       = 4
	// generic failure
	efailed      = 5
	// factorization failed
	efactor      = 6
	// sanity check failed - shouldn't happen
	esanity      = 7
	// malloc failed
	enomem       = 8
	// problem with user-supplied function
	ebadfunc     = 9
	// iterative process is out of control
	erunaway     = 10
	// exceeded max number of iterations
	emaxiter     = 11
	// tried to divide by zero
	ezerodiv     = 12
	// user specified an invalid tolerance
	ebadtol      = 13
	// failed to reach the specified tolerance
	etol         = 14
	// underflow
	eundrflw     = 15
	// overflow
	eovrflw      = 16
	// loss of accuracy
	eloss        = 17
	// failed because of roundoff error
	eround       = 18
	// matrix, vector lengths are not conformant
	ebadlen      = 19
	// matrix not square
	enotsqr      = 20
	// apparent singularity detected
	esing        = 21
	// integral or series is divergent
	ediverge     = 22
	// requested feature is not supported by the hardware
	eunsup       = 23
	// requested feature not (yet) implemented
	eunimpl      = 24
	// cache limit exceeded
	ecache       = 25
	// table limit exceeded
	etable       = 26
	// iteration is not making progress towards solution
	enoprog      = 27
	// jacobian evaluations are not improving the solution
	enoprogj     = 28
	// cannot reach the specified tolerance in F
	etolf        = 29
	// cannot reach the specified tolerance in X
	etolx        = 30
	// cannot reach the specified tolerance in gradient
	etolg        = 31
	// end of file
	eof          = 32

fn (ErrorCode) str #

fn (error_code ErrorCode) str() string