gm #
Geometry algorithms and structures
This package provides some functions to help with the solution of geometry problems. It also includes some routines loosely related with geometry.
Constants #
const xdelzero = 1e-10 // minimum distance between coordinates; i.e. xmax[i]-xmin[i] mininum
fn dist_point_line #
fn dist_point_line(p &Point, a &Point, b &Point, tol f64) f64
dist_point_line computes the distance from p to line passing through a -> b
fn dist_point_point #
fn dist_point_point(a &Point, b &Point) f64
dist_point_point computes the unsigned distance from a to b
fn is_point_in #
fn is_point_in(p &Point, cmin []f64, cmax []f64, tol f64) bool
is_point_in returns whether p is inside box with cmin and cmax
fn is_point_in_line #
fn is_point_in_line(p &Point, a &Point, b &Point, zero f64, told f64, tolin f64) bool
is_point_in_line returns whether p is inside line passing through a and b
fn points_lims #
fn points_lims(pp []&Point) ([]f64, []f64)
points_lims returns the limits of a set of points
fn vector_add #
fn vector_add(alpha f64, u []f64, beta f64, v []f64) []f64
vector_add returns a new vector by adding two other vectors w := αu + βv
fn vector_dot #
fn vector_dot(u []f64, v []f64) f64
vector_dot returns the dot product between two vectors
fn vector_new #
fn vector_new(m f64, u []f64) []f64
vector_new returns a new vector scaled by m
fn vector_norm #
fn vector_norm(u []f64) f64
vector_norm returns the length (Euclidean norm) of a vector
fn #
fn []f64, xmax []f64, ndiv_ []int) &Bins initialise bins structure xmin -- [ndim] min/initial coordinates of the whole space (box/cube) xmax -- [ndim] max/final coordinates of the whole space (box/cube) ndiv -- [ndim] number of divisions for xmax-xmin
fn #
fn f64, y f64, z f64) &Point creates a new point
fn #
fn &Point, b &Point) &Segment creates a new segment from a to b
type PointsDiffFn #
type PointsDiffFn = fn (is_old int, x_new []f64) bool
struct Bin #
struct Bin {
pub mut:
index int // index of bin
entries []&BinEntry // entries
Bin defines one bin in Bins (holds entries for search)
fn (Bin) str #
fn (o Bin) str() string
str returns the string representation of one Bin
struct BinEntry #
struct BinEntry {
pub mut:
id int // object Id
x []f64 // entry coordinate (read only)
extra voidptr // any entity attached to this entry
BinEntry holds data of an entry to bin
struct Bins #
struct Bins {
tmp []int // [ndim] temporary (auxiliary) slice
pub mut:
ndim int // space dimension
xmin []f64 // [ndim] left/lower-most point
xmax []f64 // [ndim] right/upper-most point
xdel []f64 // [ndim] the lengths along each direction (whole box)
size []f64 // size of bins
ndiv []int // [ndim] number of divisions along each direction
all []&Bin // [nbins] all bins (there will be an extra "ghost" bin along each dimension)
Bins implements a set of bins holding entries and is used to fast search entries by given coordinates.
fn (Bins) append #
fn (mut o Bins) append(x []f64, id int, extra voidptr)
append adds a new entry {x, id, something} into the bins structure
fn (Bins) clear #
fn (mut o Bins) clear()
clear clears all biBinsns
fn (Bins) find_bin_by_index #
fn (mut o Bins) find_bin_by_index(idx int) &Bin
find_bin_by_index finds or allocate new bin corresponding to index idx
fn (Bins) calc_index #
fn (mut o Bins) calc_index(x []f64) int
calc_index calculates the bin index where the point x is returns -1 if out-of-range
fn (Bins) find_closest #
fn (mut o Bins) find_closest(x []f64) (int, f64)
find_closest returns the id of the entry whose coordinates are closest to x id_closest -- the id of the closest entity. return -1 if out-of-range or not found sq_dist_min -- the minimum distance (squared) between x and the closest entity in the same bin
Note: find_closest does search the whole area.It only locates neighbours in the same bin where the given x is located. So, if there area no entries in the bin containing x, no entry will be found.
fn (Bins) find_closest_and_append #
fn (mut o Bins) find_closest_and_append(mut next_id &int, x []f64, extra voidptr, rad_tol f64, diff PointsDiffFn) (int, bool)
find_closest_and_append finds closest point and, if not found, append to bins with a new Id input: next_id -- is the Id of the next point. Will be incremented if x is a new point to be added. x -- is the point to be added extra -- extra information attached to point rad_tol -- is the tolerance for the radial distance (i.e. NOT squared) to decide whether a new point will be appended or not. diff -- [optional] a function for further check that the new and an eventual existent points are really different, even after finding that they coincide (within tol) output: id -- the id attached to x existent -- flag telling if x was found, based on given tolerance
fn (Bins) find_along_segment #
fn (mut o Bins) find_along_segment(xi_ []f64, xf_ []f64, tol f64) []int
find_along_segment gets the ids of entries that lie close to a segment
Note: the initial (xi) and final (xf) points on segment define a bounding box to filter points
fn (Bins) get_limits #
fn (o &Bins) get_limits(idx_bin int) ([]f64, []f64)
get_limits returns limigs of a specific bin
fn (Bins) nactive #
fn (o &Bins) nactive() int
nactive returns the number of active bins; i.e. non-nil bins
fn (Bins) nentries #
fn (o &Bins) nentries() int
nentries returns the total number of entries (in active bins)
fn (Bins) summary #
fn (o &Bins) summary() string
summary returns the summary of this Bins' data
fn (Bins) str #
fn (o &Bins) str() string
str returns the string representation of a set of Bins
struct Point #
struct Point {
pub mut:
x f64
y f64
z f64
Point holds the Cartesian coordinates of a point in 3D space
fn (Point) clone #
fn (o &Point) clone() &Point
clone creates a new copy of Point
fn (Point) disp #
fn (o &Point) disp(dx f64, dy f64, dz f64) &Point
disp creates a new copy of Point displaced by dx, dy, dz
fn (Point) str #
fn (o &Point) str() string
str outputs Point
struct Segment #
struct Segment {
a &Point = unsafe { nil }
b &Point = unsafe { nil }
Segment represents a directed segment from a to b
fn (Segment) len #
fn (o &Segment) len() f64
len computes the length of Segment == Euclidean norm
fn (Segment) scaled #
fn (o &Segment) scaled(m f64) &Segment
New creates a new Segment scaled by m and starting from A
fn (Segment) vector #
fn (o &Segment) vector(m f64) []f64
vector returns the vector representing Segment from A to B (scaled by m)
fn (Segment) str #
fn (o &Segment) str() string
str outputs Segment