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noise #


This module aims to to implement noise algorithms.

It uses the rand module in vlib to generate random numbers, so you may seed the generator as you see fit.

fn #

fn Perlin

new is a function that return a new Perlin struct

struct Perlin #

struct Perlin {
	perm []int = rand.shuffle_clone(noise.permutations) or { panic(err) }

Perlin is a struct that hold the permutation set for perlin noise

fn (Perlin) perlin2d #

fn (perlin Perlin) perlin2d(x f64, y f64) f64

perlin2d is a function that return a single value of perlin noise for a given 2d position

fn (Perlin) perlin3d #

fn (perlin Perlin) perlin3d(x f64, y f64, z f64) f64

perlin3d is a function that return a single value of perlin noise for a given 3d position

fn (Perlin) randomize #

fn (mut perlin Perlin) randomize()

randomize is a function that shuffle the permutation set inside the Perlin struct will not shuffle if rand.seed is not changed